Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Update: Finn Is Found!

It sure does feel GREAT to share good news! The lost UAF foster named Finn has been found and secured! The little terrier Finn first disappeared from his foster mom's home on April 24th. He stuck to downtown Prescott for the first few days before heading up Senator Highway into the Sweet Acres / Groom Creek neighborhoods. He eluded volunteers and traps for weeks, and he even survived several very, very cold nights (especially in those higher elevation neighborhoods).
In recent weeks, Finn was visiting one house in Sweet Acres, drinking from the resident's pond and even sleeping on the deck one night. Despite how hungry he surely must have been, he ran each and every time the resident - Mike - or anyone else spotted him.
But today was different! Finn somehow found his way into Mike's fenced hard, and this time, Mike caught him! Despite being bit by the terrified Finn, Mike happily called Joellyn to report the good news. He even refused the reward money!
After retrieving him from Mike, Joellyn had Finn checked out at the vet's office, and she now reports that he is perfectly healthy - though very skinny from so many weeks on the run. We're so very happy to have Finn back, and so very appreciative of volunteers like Joellyn and everyday heros like Mike from Sweet Acres - people who set aside extra time and effort that made a world of difference. A very special shout out is owed to Joellyn, who tracked Finn constantly and never gave up hope of retriving him. Without a doubt, it is because of her dedication that this little guy is alive. The adventures of Finn have hopefully come to a close, but to commemorate the story, Joellyn is considering renaming him 'Wiley!'

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