Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Perfect Job: Jasper's Story

It's not every day that United Animal Friends helps the unemployed, but that's just what happened in Jasper's case! We first met Jasper when he was relinquished to UAF by a family who had just adopted him from Yavapai Humane Society. The family thought Jasper was just too high-energy for their lifestyle, but they were reluctant to return him to the shelter. UAF took him into the system, and boarded him at Run-A-Muk in Prescott so that he could enjoy some doggie socialization and work off some of that excess energy during the day. Although Jasper enjoyed running around with the other dogs at Run-A-Muk, he knew what it was like to be with a family, and living without that kind of companionship just didn't suit him.

Just as Jasper began to show signs of weariness, UAF volunteer Kim in Peeples Valley stepped into the picture. Kim knew of a goat and sheep herder in her area who was in need of the boundless energy and focused determination of a herding dog. When Kim told the folks on the farm (a wonderful couple named Tony and Melody) about Jasper, they agreed to foster him. So, it was all up to Jasper at this point . . . would he be interested in a ranching career?

He sure was! After just a bit of time on the farm, it was perfectly clear that Jasper not only had what it took to herd Tony and Melody's sheep, but that he absolutely loved doing it! UAF is happy to report that Jasper has founded his forever home – and from what we understand, a great-paying job – on the ranch!

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