Monday, July 6, 2009

Adoptable Mutt of the Month: Rainer

As Rainer will tell you, life isn’t always easy and it’s certainly not always fair. But according to Rainer – a sleek shepherd mix with a very beautiful spirit – you have to keep movin.’ We don’t really know what Rainer’s past life was like. He is incredibly affectionate and clearly loves people, but there’s a timidity to him too – just a little bit of uncertainty. He’ll sit, for instance, before you’ve even had the chance to ask. He just really wants to impress you is all, and wants you to know that he – Rainer – is a really good dog. He’s getting up in the years – probably around three to five years old now, so he’s really ready to settle down and enjoy the quiet life. Sure, he’d still love to go out for a daily stroll around the neighborhood, but his galavanting days are behind him. Now, he seems to really understand that what matters most in this life – fair and unfair – is having someone to love you unconditionally. If there was ever a dog who deserved love like that, Rainer is without a doubt, without even a smidgeon of doubt, that dog.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Rainer has been adopted... He was seen on the Cable One PSA. He was adopted through PAC and with the help of one of our volunteers her yard was made safe & secure for him. I hope she will keep in touch and lets us know how he is doing. We all worried about Rainer and how long he was at PAC but here we go again if we let the public know about these great dogs by getting the word out we can save them one by one. Thanks to Ray for all his help yesterday!
